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Rally & Program
August 29th, 2009
For the 39th commemoration of August 29th, 1970 National Chicano Moratorium Against the war in Vietnam
Rally & Program at Salazar Park 11:30 am, 3864 Whittier Blvd, ELA CA 90023 (Whittier and Alma)
We will be opposing the continuing US colonial occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Africa, Puerto Rico, Mexico/Aztl?n, Latin America and their racist immigration and education policies, economic exploitation and human rights violations
Sponsored by: National Chicano Moratorium Committee, Partido Nacional de la Raza Unida, Movimiento Liberaci?n Nacional, Alta Califas Sur MEChA region, Alta Califas Norte MEChA region, Comit? Pro-Democracia en M?xico, Danza Mexica Cuauht?moc, Harmony Keepers, Puerto Rican Alliance, All African Peoples Revolutionary Party, National Brown Berets of Aztl?n, Chicano Secret Service/Mal Ojo, Son Real, "Ollin," Association of Mexican-American Educators-WLA chapter
Contact info: (323) 687-0963 (818) 365-6534