The U.S. health care system is in deep crisis, with millions of people uninsured and hundreds of thousands more in danger of losing their coverage as unemployment rises. Health care costs have become the main cause of personal bankruptcies as prices rise, insurance companies refuse coverage, and employers shift costs onto workers.
Polls show that the majority of Americans believe that everyone deserves health care here in the richest country in the world, yet the \"reforms\" being talked about today in Washington keep the for-profit health insurance industry in place. This will not provide the care that would make daily life better for working people.
Things could be different – as they are in almost every other advanced industrialized country – with a publicly funded, single-payer health care system in which everyone has access to care and no one makes millions in profit betting on our health or sickness, or on denying treatment – and no one ends up on the streets when they can\'t afford to pay their medical bills.
Join in a discussion of why the profit system fails to provide the health care people need and deserve, what real health care reform would look like, and what kind of fight it will take to get there.
Sponsored by the LA branch of the International Socialist Organization