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trial began last week for lorena lopez, the mother of 18 month old baby suzie pena, who was murdered in watts in '05 by lapd swat, against chief bratton & the lapd.
mayor villaraigosa attended the baby's funeral & promised a "full investigation." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkvLSEjccCs --there has been none.
we are asking you to support senora lopez in demanding justice for baby suzie. we are calling for a silent picket outside the courthouse 1st thing monday morning 7/27--8am sharp! to catch the morning rush--111 n.hill st, dept 58 5th fl.
we also ask you to attend the trial. it is open to the public & will last 2 more weeks. the courtroom has been packed with police & this influences the minds of the judge & jury.
stop killer cops! community control over the police!
please forward-