Sunday July 12, 2009 611 W. Civic Center @ 11-1pm… Community Forum: Education not Incarceration End the criminalization of Youth!!! Of the hood!!! Bring your family, and concerns!
END ICE/Migra TERROR!, OC Police abuse, harassment, and Beating and Killing of Unarmed Residents and Citizens, Cutting Jobs, Education, and Healthcare while Funding More Wars, More Overthrows of Democracies in Mexico and Latin America; More bottomless bailouts for banks, insurances, and war and violence companies, while more people lose healthcare access as their taxes build more Prisons and Prison Healthcare. Panel with: •Youth organizers from Orange County (Santa Ana, Anaheim, Orange, etc.) •Community Organizers Robert, and Carolina. •Yvonne Elizondo, ACLU and Chican@s Unidos activist and Counselor born in OVC community alongside Current Illegalized OVC Gang Injunction Victim Miguel •Tina Jackson, Mother of South OC Gang Injunction Victim, activist for legal justice •Henry Duke, MD THANKS Vet! and OC Peace Action and Healthcare for All Founder. •Frank Courser and Sue Reams, Activists OC Families to Amend California Three Strikes (FACTS) •Copwatch in the Community- Policing the Police. Reduce police violence by directly observing the police on the street, documenting incidents and keeping police accountable.
Thanks to OC Youth and Community, OC Injunction Defense Committee Orange County Peace Action, Healthcare for All! Our Grandfathers, Grandmothers, Mothers, Fathers, and our families in our communities.
More info 714 210-6848