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The CMPM-LA is hosting a film screening of:
"Made in LA"
This film sheds light on the sweatshop conditions that many migrant workers must endure.
Guest Speakers:
Victor Narro-Community Organizer
Maria Pineda-{featured in the film} Sweatshop Survivor & Part of the Anti-Sweatshop/Forever 21 Movement
Due to circumstances out of our control we are now asking for a donation at the door in order to provide an honorarium for Maria Pineda, one of the women from the film, and single mother in need of community support.
A FREE! Legalize LA/America shirt will be given to all attendees.
All donations are welcomed, regardless of how big or small the amount may be. {nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.}
We will also be selling chicken tostadas, CMPM Shirts and books on women's history.
Powerful Film Tells The Story Of Three Immigrant Women Who Stand Up
To The California Fashion Industry; Three-Year Odyssey Sheds Light
On Personal Stories Of Immigrant Workers.
Impactante película cuenta la historia de tres mujeres inmigrantes latinas que se enfrentan a la industria de la moda en California en demanda de sus derechos; la odisea de tres años ilustra las historias personales de los trabajadores inmigrantes.