June 14, Sunday, 3 pm - Discussion of "Ruminations and Wranglings: On the Importance of Marxist Materialism, Communism as a Science, Meaningful Revolutionary Work, and a Life with Meaning" by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the RCP,USA. This Sunday's discussion will focus on Part 4, "Each Class Seeks to Remake the World in its Image--But Only One Class Cannot Do This by Relying on Spontaneity, " in Revolution #166, online at revcom.us. "...it is a very important phenomenon in all of social life, and particularly in social struggle, that each class will try to remake the world in its image. Especially in every revolution, but in every major social transformation or social movement, different class forces seek to seize the reins and impose their solutions, in accordance with how they see the problems. More specifically, it is important to understand how bourgeois and other reactionary class forces seek to do this, especially in the context of any major social upheaval and social struggle, and most especially in the context of an approaching revolution..."