Speak out against the murder of Dr. George Tiller! Defend women's right to choose abortion!
All working people should condemn the murder of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas, on May 31. Tiller, a doctor who provided abortions, had been the focus of anti-woman protests since the 1980s. Defenders of women's right to abortion mobilized to defend his clinic when Operation Rescue organized a siege there in 1991. Two years later Tiller was shot by an antiabortion activist in both of his arms. His clinic was one of only three in the United States that offer late-term abortions. The killing of Tiller comes just two weeks after President Obama gave the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame, reaching out to antiabortion forces with his call to ?work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions.? The murder of Dr. Tiller cannot go unanswered. Protests and vigils are taking place in Wichita, Boston, New York, and Washington DC. Here in Los Angeles we need to mobilize to defend abortion rights. Come to a discussion on how to defend women?s right to control our bodies.
Friday, June 5, 7:30 pm Suggested donation (Unemployed: )
Sponsored by: Militant Labor Forum 2826 S. Vermont Ave. #9, LA 90007 For more information /M?s informaci?n 323-737-2191