The next meeting of the collective that is planning the second Southern California Anarchist Conference and Cultural Fair, scheduled for August 1 and 2, 2009, will take place this Sunday, May 17 at about 6:PM. We have been meeting at MacArthur Park near the corner of 6th and Parkview, and gatherings have been pretty much informal... this time we're thinking of getting together a little early to have some social time to share food, get to know each other, and build some community.
Some of the topics we discussed last time (so you can get an idea of what to anticipate) include: film nights to raise funds and consciousness, piracy/alternative economies/social banditry as a theme, workshop proposals, etc...
We have had a pretty good showing of people from different collectives and different areas of the SoCal, so we're hoping to keep that up and bring in some more beautiful and intelligent radical faces like your own, so please feel free to forward this on to those people/collectives in your community who may be interested.