Join LA Jews for Peace in a Demonstration to Protest the Israeli Siege of Gaza Next Tuesday, Dec. 30, 3-5:30 PM Westwood Federal Building (Wilshire & Veteran; 3-hour visitor parking in the Federal Building lot). As you know, the situation is Gaza has been intolerable, but with full support of the U.S. government has gotten worse. This morning Israel launched a massive air attack on Gaza that killed close to 200 people. This attack was carried out using American supplied F-16s, Apache helicoptors, and guided missiles. Now besides a blockade causing shortage of food, medicine, fuel, electric power, and commercial goods, there has been a massacre. The UN Secretary General, the Swiss government, and other groups have called the situation a humanitarian crisis and a violation of the 4th Geneva Convention. It is surely a violation of Jewish and international law. The massacre and blockade are not only cruel and inhumane, but also counter-productive in that they fuel violence against Israel and works to undermine efforts to achieve peace through negotiations. LA Jews for Peace urges everyone to speak out against the attack and blockade, including our own government's support of it. We call for an immediate cease fire and a resumption of shipments of food and medical supplies to the people of Gaza, a hold of U.S. aid to Israel until the blockade is ended, and admittance of journalists to Gaza to report on the desperate conditions. Join LA Jews for Peace in a protest Tuesday, Dec. 30, 3-5:30 PM, Westwood Federal Building LA Jews will have signs and banners; bring your own; but no flags please since our message is internationalism and humanism, not nationalism.