From: Harvey Liss [mailto:harveybronx@...] Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:23 AM
Subject: Peaceful Demonstration at Mormon Temple in Newport Bch on SUNDAY, Nov 16 @10am
Supporters of Marriage Equality to Demonstrate THIS SUNDAY to Restore Marriage for Same-Sex Couples Please forward this e-mail to your lists with requests to do the same!
We must expose those whose agenda is to limit the fundamental right of same-sex couples to marry by incorporating their religious beliefs into the California Constitution. The Mormon Church led the support of Proposition 8. This demonstration will show its members:
\\\\' We intend to continue this fight for equality until it is won \\\\' Discrimination is harmful to our society in any form \\\\' Our Constitution provides equal protection of fundamental rights to all Californians
We must keep the right of same-sex couples to marry at the forefront of national issues. We need everyone in the GLBT community and ALL supporters of Marriage Equality to join together in our demand to have marriage for same-sex couples restored.
LOCATION: The Mormon Temple and Chapel 2300 Bonita Canyon Dr., at the corner of Bonita Canyon and Prairie Rd., in Newport Beach. Located just West of the 73 toll road; exit Bonita Canyon Dr.; or turn East onto Bonita Canyon Dr. from MacArthur Blvd.
PARKING: We urge everyone to arrive early and park in the Bonita Canyon Sports Park, which is off Prairie Rd., just opposite St. Matthew\\\\'s Catholic Church and across the street from the Mormon Temple. Drive past the ball park to the parking lot on the right. There\\\\'s also limited street parking.
The parking directions are: From Bonita Cyn Dr.; turn onto Prairie Rd.; turn right onto Ford; go two blocks past the ball fields; turn right into Bonita Cyn Sports Facility Parking Lot.
DO NOT park at the shopping center at San Miguel and Ford
BRING: Signs & banners expressing your support for Marriage Equality and Civil Rights, and your outrage at the Yes on 8 Campaign tactics supported by the Mormon Church. American, rainbow and California flags, water, sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat. Dress for a hot, sunny day.
For info, call: 949-683-2715 Event Organizers Audrey Prosser Jeff LeTourneau, ECCO Political Director Harvey H. Liss, ECCO Vice-Chair Karen Ellis Sandra Hartness, Director, HRC Barbara McMurray Ed Todeschini, HRC OC Federal Club Co-Chair Gary Lefevre Jorge Rodriguez, M.D, President, Board of Directors, AIDS Services Foundation
put up by marin green party council member david quinley {{PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vZnJpZW5kcy8/cmVmPXRuIy9wcm9maWxlLnBocD9pZD04NTczNDQzMjAmcmVmPXByb2ZpbGUiPmh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tL2ZyaWVuZHMvP3JlZj10biMvcHJvZmlsZS5waHA/aWQ9ODU3MzQ0MzIwJnJlZj1wcm9maWxlPC9hPg==}}