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TIA CHUCHA'S OPEN MIC Hosted by: Adolfo
Every Friday @ 8:00 p.m.
The purpose of Tia Chucha?s weeekly open mic night, is to provide the community with a space that is welcoming, nurturing and healing. A place where no one is discriminated against and everyone will be heard if they choose to be. Tia Chucha's is a creative sanctuary where people are encouraged to share their thoughts, feelings and talents through various styles of expression. Whether it be a poem, story, song, joke, freestyle or just something they feel the need to express. Everyone is welcome to be themselves.
Located at: Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural 10258 Foothil Blvd. Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
Phone: (818) 896-1479