Protest the racist and fascist actions of Computers NLA that host the Kobe website.
Computers N.L.A., 23700 S. Western Ave, Harbor City, CA 90710 You can telephone them at this number: 310-530-9800
This website is blatantly racist against Muslim amerians that are protected by the 1st amendment to the constitution.
This will be a general picketing of the location. Bring signs, banners, drums and gongs to protest this illegal server of rascist scum.
Los Angeles will unite against the spread of oppression and fascism.
TO quote adolf hitler::::::::: The Nazi party could have easily been stopped if the people had recognized what it was in its infancy and smashed it from its existence......
Smash the Fash!!!!!!!!
Spread the word that solidarity is the key to disruption. Stop the illegal propaganda of Muslim and Palestinian americans.
We must all live together peacefully.