On Friday, November 28th, aka Black Friday or the Day After Thanksgiving, B(A)S(E) Collective, Santa Ana Food Not Bombs, and anybody else interested in boycotting, protesting, and working to end capitalism will be resisting the societal urge to consume. Come sit with us in protest while the rest of Orange County blows billions of dollars at The Block, Fashion Island, and South Coast Plaza all in the name of destructive consumption.
Large multinational corporations are raping and pillaging this planet and it's inhabitants constantly all in the name of profit. Men, Women and children slave away their lives to sweatshop labor all over the world so that some rich American can wear clothes sporting the latest trends and fashion. Rich assholes everywhere have closets full of exploitative and directly violent threads, yet they still feel that they need MORE. By buying products from these corporations you support their destructive and anti-social ends.
-Bring anything and everything you can find that can be re-used and gifted to somebody during the ridiculously exaggerated holiday season. Furniture, working electronics, working/non-working computers/parts, Tools, Bikes, Children\'s toys, Clothes, Videos, Music, Musical Instruments, Collectibles, Working Household Appliances, Sporting Goods, Books, Art, Food, Drinks, BRING IT ALL!!!
-If you are a minimalist and don\'t really have jack shit to donate, be creative, bring some things to share with your community. Music, poetry, art, or food. Anything that sends out good vibes. Come out and kick it. Meet some cool peeps and get involved with our community.
-We are seeking volunteers to help set up, clean up, and organize the event. We are seeking creative individuals that would be interested in sharing their more eccentric sides. Come perform at a street fair. Play some music. Dance. Do whatever the fuck you want. Don\'t go buy shit because it\'s on sale and the system told you to.
-The Really Really Free Market will be held at Santiago Park, unless plans change. Santiago Park is across the street from Main Place Mall in Santa Ana on Main Street. There is very easy access via the 5. Signs and banners could be held along the busy street so that you could get some sort of message out to the rest of society about their suicidal tendencies.
-Transportation is a large business as well. Gas companies make a killing on Black Friday as well due to all of the traveling. Ride your bike, take the bus, ride the metro if you\'re coming from far away. It is important to know how much you consume and figure out how to cut back.
For more information and to GET INVOLVED contact us on Myspace or at BaseCollectiveOC@riseup.net
We can also be reached via SantaAnaFoodNotBombs@riseup.net
Spread the word and we will see you all in the streets.