Musical Entertainment by The Dish?s, Jami Templeton, and more?Fair Trade and Sweat Free vendors?Samples of Fair Trade Products?Education Booths?Guest Speakers?
? Fair Trade LA is a coalition of concerned citizens and groups in the Los Angeles who have come together with a common goal of promoting social and environmental justice around the world. We work to educate the public and business about Fair Trade and to promote Fair Trade products in Southern California.
? In 2007, The Just Lives Festival was a multi-faceted effort to raise awareness of Fair Trade, sweatshop-free and local goods. Nearly 1,000 consumers and activists learned about the need for sustainable and just economies worldwide, and purchased fairly traded goods from around the world.
? When you shop Fair Trade, you know that you are purchasing a high quality product and that your money is supporting the families and communities of the producers. Fair Trade is already making a huge difference worldwide ? but we need YOU to help it grow! Come to the festival - and help volunteer.