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Bestselling author Pema Ch?dr?n DVD Viewing and Discussion Series
LA Shambhala Center on the Westside will present a new six-part Pema Ch?dr?n DVD series beginning August 14 and once a month until Jan 9, 2009. It will be held at the Santa Monica Zen Center at 1001A Colorado Blvd. Santa Monica, Ca 90401 and costs each session. People may email la@shambhala.org or call (323) 255-5472 for more information. People may register at this URL: http://la.shambhala.org/register.php?action=form&id=11260&cid=208
The video series was recorded May 2004, and is presented for those wishing to explore how we habitually get stuck and how we, then, unwillingly escalate the very dissatisfaction and pain we long to escape. Pema Ch?dr?n shows how we can choose to do the same old thing or we can choose the joy of a fresh alternative Pema Ch?dr?n (WHEN THINGS FALL APART, START WHERE YOU ARE) is a fully ordained nun, the main teacher at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia, Canada, and well-known author. She first met her main teacher, Ch?gyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1972 and studied with him until his death in 1987.
The series will be hosted by Stanley Weiser and Lynda Golan. Stanley is the screenwriter of ?W\\" --the upcoming George W. Bush biography, directed by Oliver Stone and starring Josh Brolin and James Cromwell. The film will be released by Lionsgate this October 24th. Lynda is a licensed psychotherapist, a trained meditation instructor, and an artist/painter.
For more information go to url: http://la.shambhala.org/program_details.php?id=11260&cid=208