Globalization of the economy has spurred a phenomenal surge in the transnational migration of workers. Here in the U.S. one of the major domestic policy issues of this era is immigration and immigrant worker rights. For Korean Americans, a predominantly recent immigrant population, immigration and immigrant integration policies define our past and determine our future in this country — from our ability to reunify with family members, earn a living wage or enroll our children in public schools. This day-long symposium is designed to enable us as Korean Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, immigrants and workers to develop a deeper and broader perspective of America’s “immigration challenge” by linking our individual experiences with those of migrant workers in Asia. From sharing organizing successes & methods to an overview on the difficult conditions and barriers faced by (im)migrant workers, we seek to formulate a common vision for advancing the human rights for all workers regardless of origin or immigration status.
With three program tracks for kids (ages 6-11), youth (ages 12 - 17), and adults, all ages are invited to attend.
Featured speakers to date include: Jeanne Batalova, PhD, Migration Policy Institute (United States) John Delloro, Dolores Huerta Labor Institute (United States) William Gois, Migrant Forum in Asia (Phillipines) Marielena Hincapie, National Immigration Law Center (United States) Jin Euk Kim, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (South Korea) Joann H. Lee, Esq., Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (United States) Sung-ok Lee, Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church (United States) Joon Shik Shin, Korean Resource Centre (Australia) Inbo Sim, former President of Young Koreans United of USA (United States)
The event also marks the 25th anniversary of the Korean Resource Center and the 28th anniversary of the May 18th Gwangju People’s Uprising - a seminal political moment that sparked the movement for democracy in Korea and human rights in Asia. Similarly in the US, Korean Americans came together to provide decades of solidarity work that laid the seeds for the grassroots Korean American progressive movement today. For this reason, the May symposium will begin with a look back at our organizing history as the first step to charting the course of our work for the next year.