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A todos los companeros de las differentes organizaciones y de la sociedad civil, estamos mandando una nota de emergencia para protestar en frente del Consulado Mexicano en contra de la imposicion de Vicente Fox y del neoliberalismo de instalar un aeropuerto en las tierras communales de los campesinos de San Salvador Atenco. Todos sabemos que esta lucha se inscribe en contra de las acciones de George Bush y Vicente Fox para llevar a cabo los planes contra insurgentes del Plan Puebla Panama, Plan Colombia y Plan Dignidad en Bolivia por los que es necesario el apoyo solidario de todos nosotros para decirles los impulsores del neoliberalismo que Atenco y los pueblos de Latino America no estan solos, que todos somos uno. Atenco no se vende! Viva la resistencia del heroica pueblo insurgente de San Salvador Atenco! Viva las luchas del Pueblo Latino Americano! Viva la Constituyente Boliviana! Viva la Resistencia del Pueblo Argentino! Viva la Lucha del Pueblo Colombiano!
An emergency announcement to all companeros from the various organizations, civil society, and all those in solidarity with the international movement against corporate-led globalization: the people of Atenco have requested that demonstrations be held internationally on Tuesday July 16th in support of the people in the town of Atenco who continue to fight against all efforts to take their communally-held lands. In solidarity with them, a protest and press conference will be held tomorrow in front of the Mexican Consulate. Vicente Fox's plan to have an airport built where the town of Atenco now stands is part of the well-known plan of Fox and George Bush's Plan Puebla Panama. It is important that we all show solidarity with this resistance in Atenco which is more generally a resistance to not only Plan Puebla Panama, but also Plan Colombia, Plan Dignidad in Bolivia, and the neoliberalist policies which are affecting the world over. We need to let Atenco and all the towns and communities of Latin America know that we support them and even more, not only are they not alone but we are all together in this fight. We need to let George Bush, Vicente Fox and all corporations know that they can conquer Atenco only at substantial risk to themselves. Atenco is not for sale! Long live the resistance of the heroic people of San Salvador Atenco and all people in resistance!
Donde/Where: Mexican Consulate, 2401 W. 6th Street (y Parkview) en MacArthur Park
Cuando/When: Tuesday, July 16, 3 pm - 5 pm
After the protest tomorrow we will be having an organizational meeting at the Independent Media Center (IMC) to figure out what to do next to help Atenco. The IMC is located at 2007 Wilshire (and Parkview) on the 9th floor.
Further actions are tentatively planned for subsequent Tuesdays. Please help us organize.
If you can't make it tomorrow, please call the Mexican Consulate at (213) 351-6800 and tell them that Atenco is not for sale!
Depues de la manifestacion manana vamos a tener una junta organizacional en el Centro Independiente de Medios (IMC) para decidir que puedemos hacer para ayudar Atenco. El IMC esta ubicado en 2007 Wilshire (y Parkview) en el piso 9.
Mas acciones estan planeados tentativaments para los Martes que vengan. Por favor ayudanos a organizar la communidad.
Si no puedes ir manana, por favor llame al Consulado Mexicano a (213) 351-6800 y diles que Atenco no se vende!
For links/Para mas informaccion: www.mexico.indymedia.org