Ayesha Siddiqa
Author of Military, Inc.
Visiting Scholar
David Barsamian
Author & Founder
Of AR Alternative Radio
(just returned form Pakistan)
Sunday February 24, 2008
2:00 PM- Social- 2:30PM Start –End 6:00PM *SHARP*
Please Be On Time- Free Admission- All are Invited
12725 Center Court Drive · Cerritos, California 90703
Near Pioneer Blvd (little india) Bloom field & Town Center Drive
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For Directions Phone: (562) 809-1500
About The Authors
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa\\'s recent book Military Inc. came out at a time when the military regime in Pakistan led by General Pervez Musharaf is facing serious trouble both at home and abroad. Do not miss this opportunity to know how the military institution has influenced Pakistan’s civil society and the democratic process. Can US continue to support Pakistan’s military rule and its role in war on terror? Regardless what ever is the outcome from recent elections? Her book deals with the military’s involvement from a research & quantitative perspective. Perhaps the first time a data laden analysis on Pakistan’s largest economic entity has been presented. She has also written extensively on weapons proliferation, problems of governance and India-Pakistan relations. She has previously been the Director of Naval Research with the Pakistan Navy. She has also held fellowships at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, and the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Her other books include, Pakistan\\'s Arms Procurement and Military Buildup, 1979-99: In Search of a Policy (Palgrave Press, 2001).
David Barsamian is a leading activist and chronicler of social movements. In addition to being a well-known radio personality and author, David has, through interviews and edited volumes, helped popularize and spread the ideas of the world\\'s most prominent progressive intellectuals, including Noam Chomsky, Eqbal Ahmed, Howard Zinn, and Arundhati Roy. He was recently in Pakistan delivering lectures at the invitation of the Eqbal Ahmed Foundation. He was at LUMS to hold a smaller discussion with students. Talking to journalists at the Karachi Press Club (KPC), he said that a private TV channel conducted a lengthy interview of him but did not ask a single question about the current situation in Pakistan because under the “agreement” with the government, which allowed its telecast, they were not supposed to ask “certain questions”.
Barsamian speaks Urdu, an obvious plus for reaching out to the audience in Pakistan But more than that Barsamian represents that segment of the US society, a minority though it is, that is opposed to American policies and that definitely creates empathy with crowds across ideological lines. The Boulder, Colorado-based Barsamian also produces “Alternative Radio”, a weekly one-hour public affairs programme that is distributed gratis to stations across continents – from the US and Canada to Europe, South Africa and Oceania. The programme is aimed at providing an alternative viewpoint. Using the theoretical framework developed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman, in “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media”, Barsamian’s pet peeves, predictably, are the US foreign policy, corporations, media and the military-industrial complex. His recent tour to Pakistan and interviews with rising political stars like Fatima Bhutto – during and after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto will add to his analysis about US and Pakistan. To see his work please visit