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SATURDAY ? 2.9.08 ? USC Davidson Conference Center, Embassy Room
10 a.m. Screening: GENEOLOGY OF VIDDING (80 min) Videos from found television and movie footage, edited to music and commenting on the filmic source. Curated by Laura Shapiro. Presented by Francesca Coppa.
12 p.m. Screening: VIDEOBLOGGING: SHUT UP AND MAKE SOMETHING (60 min) Vloggers making stuff up, putting it on the net and there\'s nothing you can do about it! Curated by Ryanne Hodson.
1:30 p.m. Screening: OTAKU REMIXES: ANIME MUSIC VIDEO (60 min) Anime + music, influential works from the past decade. Curated by Tim Park.
Saturday ? 2.9.08 ? USC Eileen Norris Cinema Theater
3 p.m. Plenary Session: ENVISIONING THE FUTURE OF DIY (90 min) A discussion moderated by Howard Rheingold with 24/7 panelists Joi Ito, Yochai Benkler, Henry Jenkins, John Seely Brown and Lawrence Lessig.
5 p.m. Featured Screening: A DIY VIDEO META PROGRAM (180 min) This program will highlight a cross-genre selection of works. Curated by the 24/7 curators and organizing committee.
Saturday ? 2.9.08 ? USC School of Cinematic Arts, George Lucas Instructional Building Courtyard
8 p.m. Reception: Featuring DIY music videos and DIY VJs. Reception sponsored by DivX and GarageCUBE/Modul8. (120 min)
In addition to the free public events listed above, the 24/7: A DIY Video Summit also includes a series of academic talks and workshops on a registration basis. Details and full schedule are available at www.video24-7.org