Bikes not Bombs at National Day of Climate Action
Westwood, CA
November 3rd, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Bring your bikes to the Nov. 3rd day of Climate Action at Westwood Park and demonstrate against wars for oil and for climate change wisdom. What better way to demonstrate against the war profiteers and big oil and against the deception on climate change and environmental issues, than on
a bike? Join the ride starting at Wilshire and Western at 10:00 AM, or meet up at Westwood park for the discussion, film screening & rally. Bring a sign attached to your bike, or yourself. Some signs will be available at Wilshire & Western and at the rally location.
For more information on the Step it Up 2007 National Call to Climate Action, visit and
- 10:00 AM, ride from Wilshire
& Western (just outside the Redline Metro Statino), 9 miles
- 11:00 AM, Meet at Westwood Park 1350
S Sepulveda Bl.
- Discussion of the \"1 Sky initiative\" priorities (;
1. No new coal plants. 2. 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050. 3.
5 million new green jobs.
- Bike not Bombs 1-hour Slow-n-Fun Ride (time TBD)
- Panel discussion: Passion & Profitability, hosted by Green Furniture & Interior Designer, Robert Craymer (
- Screening of \"Everything\'s Cool\" (
- 3:00 PM, Ride back to Wilshire & Western, 9 miles.
If you want to organize another ride to the event, or
have ideas for the event, contact Eric Einem,, 714-906-8686.
Ideas for signs:
- \"You can\'t Ignore Ecology\"
- \"More Cars = More Climate Change\"
- \"Stop Climate Change - Ditch Your Car\"
- \"Earth: Love it or Leave it\"
- \"Never Forget New Orleans\"
- \"Bicycling Against Climate Change\"
- \"Katrina: Hold the Oil Industry Accountable\"
- \"Katrina was Environmental Racism\"
- \"Sick planet = Suffering people\"
- \"New Orleans Never Again\"
- \"Sustainability: It\'s Do or Die\"
- \"Climate Justice Now\"
- \"Gas fuels hurricanes\"
- \"Bikes Now or Climate Disasters Later?\"
- \"Cyclists for Katrina Survivors\"
- \"If you\'re not scared, you\'re not paying attention\"
- \"Cycling for Climate Justice\"
- Bikes not Bombs
- No War For Oil, Ride A Bike
- Bush Step Down
- No War on Climate Science
- I am Alternative Energy
- The Revolution Will Not Be Motorized
- Join Us
- Bike It
- No War, Screw Big Oil, Ride a Bike
- Life can be so Car-Free
- One Less Car
- More Bikes, Less Katrinas
- Vehicle Of The Revolution
- Bike Out the Bush Regime!
- One Less Car
- (Make up your own sign)
Discuss Bikes not Bombs at National Day of Climate Action