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ANSWER Meeting: How to Stop the Iraq War Plus: Youth & Student Organizing, Labor Struggles in Mines
Tuesday, Sept. 4, 7 pm ANSWER Office: 137 N. Virgil Ave., #201 Los Angeles, CA 90004 (5 min walk from Vermont & Beverly Metro Red Line stop)
For more info call 213-251-1025 or e-mail answerla@answerla.org.
Join activists and organizers at this Tuesday's ANSWER Meeting to get the anti-war momentum going strong into the Fall. We'll have political reports and discussion.
* How to Stop the Iraq War: The U.S. occupation of Iraq gets worse each day. Thousands of Iraqis and many U.S. troops are dying. Meanwhile, Bush and Congress continue to do nothing. Hear about the political situation in Iraq and what you can do to stop the war. Hear the latest about Sept. 15 in DC and help build Oct. 27 in LA.
* Youth & Student Action Report: Young people and students are organizing for a week of resistance against war and racism from Oct. 20-26 in Southern California. Hear what's happening and how you can get involved. All students are invited to attend.
* Anti-War Outreach Strategies & Pick Up Materials: Discuss outreach strategies to build Oct. 27 protest in Los Angeles. We have stickers, posters and thousands of flyers to help spread the word. Come to the meeting, pick up materials and organize with others to stop the war.
* Labor Struggles in the Mines: On Aug. 6, a mine at Crandall Canyon in central Utah collapsed, trapping six miners. Rescue efforts cost the lives of an additional workers. For decades, coal mining has fueled the U.S. economy. The lack of safety and precarious working conditions has caused mineworkers to be one of the most militant sectors of organized labor. Listen to a report on labor and coal mines.
Plus: Reports from the Labor Day parade in Wilmington and anti-war weekend outreach.
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Act Now to Stop War and End Racism 213-251-1025 http://www.answerla.org answerla@answerla.org 137 N. Virgil Ave., #201 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Join us every Tuesday for the ANSWER activists meetings!