This call goes out to all the courageous students and youth that walked out of their school in defiant determination to stop this unjust war being waged by the brutal U.S government regime! In So. Cali alone their were over 71 campuses that walked out, world wide hundreds!!! In the last week since the U.S slaughter campaign began people have taken to the streets in mass determination not to back down or stop now! This generation knows the future Bush&Co. has in store for us is unjust. Just looking at what they are doing to the people of Iraq as we speak, the police state they have unleashed on the people here for exercising their so- called freedom of speach, and the detention and round ups of Muslims, Arabs, etc! Now more than ever we need to be opposing this. We must make our terms and our vision for a different future possible for the people of the world! RISE UP! WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! RISE UP! WITH THE POEPLE OF IRAQ! RISE UP! WITH THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD!