Former Israeli counter terror officer Shimon Katz and former Palestinian fighter for Palestinian liberation Ra\\\\'ed Haddar, both representatives of Combatants For Peace, will tell their personal stories of transformation from violent to non-violent struggle for peace.
Combatants For Peace is a joint Israeli/Palestinian peace organization of former combatants who were once engaged in violent struggle against each other. Now, they work together for peace, to end the occupation, and advocate for a two-state solution.
Moderator is Yigal Arens.
Music Performance by Yuval Ron.
Potluck hosted by TPA at 6:00 p.m.
Program begins at 7:00 p.m.
Sponsored by The Topanga Peace Alliance
Co-sponsored by American Friends Service Committee and CodePink
Endorsed by: Women In Black, I Wage, L.A. Jews For Peace, L. A. Catholic Worker, Progressive Democrats of Santa Monica Mountains