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Sunday, July 15th @ the REDCAT (Roy/Edna Disney Cal Arts Theater) downtown LA 9:30 PM too much
\\\\"HOMOTOPIA, of the Love Revolution\\\\"
In these times of never-ending wars, fencepost lynching, racialized brutality and the continuing HIV/AIDS genocide, the Love Revolution program confronts the force of queer (un)doing. From resisting war through an anarchist critique of the state, to radically queer reads of the politics of gay marriage, Love Revolution remembers the revolutionary promise of the moving image. Anti-colonial struggle is worked through a queer sensibility, producing new cultures of meaning, resistance and trans/formation.
program curated by Chris Vargas and Eric Stanley
Portrait of Bonnie Directed By: Jason Michael Fritz USA, 2007, 4 min
Ms. Magazine Takes a Shit In the Ocean Directed By: PMS Media USA, 2004, 7 min
By Any Means Neccessary Directed By: James Wentzy USA, 1994, 6 min
Mentalitet Directed By: Stefan Orlandic Stojanovski Serbia , Montenegro, 2001, 5 min
Homotopia Directed By: Chris Vargas, and Eric Stanley USA, 2006, 26 min