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Sunday Afternoon - July 1, 1PM – 4PM Come to the ‘Closing Reception’ of
“Struggle and Liberation: Photographs of Seminal Events and Icons of the 1960s – 1970s.” Carlotta’s Passion Fine Art
Sunday, July 1st 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Complimentary Wine, Cheese & Crackers
If you couldn’t make it to the opening earlier this month or would like to see the exhibit again, drop by this Sunday. Two of the photographers in the show, CIDNE HART and STEVE FINE, will be there to discuss their work.
Struggle and Liberation Featuring the fine art photography of
Oscar Castillo, Steve Fine, Jesus Manuel Mena Garza, Cidne Hart, George Rodriguez
View all of the fine art photographs on display. Sample photographs on Artslant: http://artslant.com/la/events/show/4781
“We invite you to celebrate images from the last period of the 20th Century that served as a key catalyst for struggles that continue to this day.” – Bob Squires, curator.
Carlotta’s Passion Fine Art 2012 Colorado Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90041 (at Maywood St. in Eagle Rock) 323.259.1563 rs@carlottaspassion.com carlottaspassion.com