Free Speech bike ride.
Celebrating the bicycle for it\\'s earth friendly non-polluting form of transportation. Focusing in on the Wars of aggression brought fourth by your very own US governement, for the primary reason of oil i.e. money, global hegemony.
We have a rolling P.A. and wireless microphone and invite you to come out and exercise your right to free speech. We have been focusing in on the US wars, the horrors of them, the reasons why they are happening, and what you can do to stop it.
Please join us with a sign on your body or bicycle. Have something to say, to encourage all those around you to take a more serious participatory role in this experience called democracy. All topic of social justice issues are welcomed on the ride.
Rides are organic and democratic. Participants decide on the route of where we will be going at the start of the ride. This months possible destination ideas are either the lummisday festival in Highland Park or the South Central Farmers Tianguis O=