Let me start with the bad news:
Across the world, a movement has been set to crush your rights as an individual of a free nation. This movement is responsible for the poisonning of the land, global warming and hole in ozone layer the size of Europe.
This same movement encourages the war in Irak, a country who once boasted some of the best living conditions in Middle East, and is now reduced to a starving and decrepit land, who will once again turn into a bloodbath for millions of its innocent civilians. Needless to say, this movement is also responsible for ravaging whatever little hope there was for the people of Afghanistan.
This movement destroys a land area the size Great Britain every year in the Amazonian Rain Forest, considered to scientists as the lungs of our planet, for converting excess CO2 into oxygen, and whose biodiversity is unmatched anywhere else in the world.
This movement steals your jobs by enslaving millions of people, most of them children, into manufacturing the products you eventually buy, from cars to clothing, paying workers less than what is necessary for 3 square meals a day.
This movement supports dictatorships and hires armies to kill those who oppose it in foreign countries like Zimbabwe, Malaysia, China, Vietnam, The Phillipines and Nigeria to name only a few.
The leaders of this movement see themselves as the rulers of this world.
Governments can't do anything about it. Not that they would want to, This movement has corrupted it to the point where it is nothing more than its extention. Its public relations dept. The ones that always take the fall, bite the bullet, only to be replaced by other governments that will do the same thing.
The Press won't say anything because mergers have limited the sources of information down to a few media companies, companies that give different names for the newspapers and TV station as one company would give different names to its many products. Needless to say, the interest of the public is no more. It is the interest of a few shareholders on top of the ladder that also happen to have a good amount of shares in other companies that sell oil, cars, tobacco, guns and pollute the air we breathe, enslave millions to sweatshops....you get the picture.
Or do you?
Fact is, you've probably heard all of this before. You either didn't care the world you lived in was being killed, like a stupid cow that doesn't make single fuss when lining up to the slaughterhouse...............Or maybe you felt so damn helpless and impotent you simply couldn't even guess where you can make a difference.
If you're in the second category, which I expect you are after reading this long speech, you feel what I've been feeling and for that alone, despite the fact we don't know each other's names....we are brothers and sisters. We're part of one big family, quietly going through life, doing what our bosses tell us to, paying the rent, eating the food that's loaded in hormones and chemicals, putting some clothes on everyday that was probably made by the same people we pity. We do it not out of choice, but by a means of survival.
And it's in this family of the Silently Pissed Off that I call for help today. Because I've had enough. When I don't see my friends losing their jobs, I see them losing their sanity. If they aren't working for someone likely to care less about their hardships, they're getting brainwashed into buying stuff they don't need made by greedy bastards who rape and plunder the same world you and I like to call home.
I go by the handle of Hybrid69, I'm part of an organization called Viral Outrage. And i'm asking you to take part in a historical event. On April 1st 2003, I would like you to participate in Internationnal Stick It To The Man Day. The day where we all choose to fight this evil movement called The Corporation, by not showing up at work, making The Man loose the only thing he cares about....Money. On that day, turn off the power in every major non-essencial appliance in your house, leave the TV off. Take a white rag, write Fuck The Man on it, and tie it to your left arm. Go outside, meet your long-lost brothers and sisters.
And talk. Talk about Phase 2. What you want to do so that the world becomes a better place. Enjoy meeting your family, these people you once dismissed as strangers you should never speak to, these people who feel the same helplessness. Speak of all the things that The Man has done to make your life so miserable. You'll be surprised how big this family really is.
But first, you have to spread the word about april 1st. Send this to as many people you can think of, and remember that time is running out. I'm sure to some of you, this all seems pointless. But letters like this one work....here's proof: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1589133.stm
It's a link about a chain-letter that was once written, stating you should put Jedi in the census form the government sends you, and with enough names, it would be considered as an official religion. Go on google, type Jedi+Census.
If a letter sent can make something ludicrous like what came out of Star Wars an official religion, why can't it make this work? Are you inclined to think there's more people pissed at The Man than there are people wanting Jedi as an official religion?
If so, you know what to do. And I'll see you on the streets, with the rest of our family. Peace out.