Come to a discussion of the special issue of Revolution #84...
This issue will, "introduce hundreds of thousands of new people to Bob Avakian's vision of communism, his analysis of the heavy challenges that people face today, and his program for how to deal with all this.
"There is no other leader like Chairman Avakian out there. There is nothing like the body of work he's produced, the ideas he's brought forward, and his way of going at understanding and changing the world. This is the real thing- for people to dig into, and to apply to making revolutionary change. But there are still far, far too few people who have even had a chance to hear and learn what Bob Avakian is all about and to get into his ideas and thinking. We aim to make a giant stride, in the next few weeks, in changing all that." [from]
April 2nd is the day a special issue of Revolution hits the streets. Join us as we dig into the broadsheet and strategize on how to get it widely and wildly out into the world...