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Protest Racist Minutemen in Hollywood No to Racism! No to Border Patrol Violence! Full Legalization Now!
Saturday, Feb. 10, 10:30 am Gather at corner of Hollywood & Argyle, LA. At Metro Red Line stop Hollywood & Vine. Or meet at the A.N.S.W.E.R. Office - 1800 Argyle Ave, #410, LA - at 10 am. It's 1 block away from the protest.
This Saturday, Feb. 10, all progressives are encouraged to join pro-immigrant organizations, including the ANSWER Coalition, at a counter demonstration against the racist, anti-immigrant "Minuteman Project" and "Save Our State." Both are neo-fascist groups. Minutemen members and supporters will be marching through Hollywood that day to support two U.S. border patrol agents and one deputy sheriff who were convicted of shooting unarmed immigrants.
Join us this Saturday to denounce Minutemen hate and expose them as the racists they really are. Bring banners and signs to show your support for immigrant rights.
Let's stand up for full equality and legalization for undocumented workers. No to racism and the Minutemen! The struggle for justice has no borders!
For more info call 323-464-1636 or e-mail answerla@answerla.org.