Emergency Protest: International Day in Solidarity with Haiti
Thursday, Feb. 8, 12 noon
We invite you to endorse the LA action February 8th, part of Emergency Protest: International Day in Solidarity with Haiti. We in LA will be joining people in 35 countries standing with the grassroots in Haiti and demanding that all foreign occupation forces leave now. The LA action is scheduled for noon outside the Brazilian Consulate. The Pacifica Radio national board has endorsed the international day in solidarity.
Brazil leads the UN occupation in Haiti. Massacres, sexual abuse, illegal detention and other assaults by the UN forces in Haiti, a proxy force for the US, continue despite the election of President Preval (see attached flyer for more). On December 22, 2006, some 400 UN troops conducted a day-long raid in Cite Soleil leaving many civilian residents dead and wounded, and raids continue. In response, Fondasyon Trant Septanm, an 11-year-old organization of victims of the 1991 and 2004 coups d\\\\'etat in Haiti, issued the call for renewed protests in many cities of the world on or around February 7, 2007. International demands include:
*** STOP UN ‘Peacekeeper’ Massacres and sexual abuse in Haiti
*** Free All Political Prisoners
*** End Foreign Occupation of Haiti; bring coup plotters to justice
*** Respect Haiti’s Sovereignty - Return President Aristide
The LA protest is called by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Haiti, which includes: ANSWER Coalition, Coalition in Solidarity with Haiti, Global Women’s Strike/LA, International Action Center, and the Pan African Activist Coalition.
Call/fax: 323-292-7405, email:la@crossroadswomen.net www.globalwomenstrike.net