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WHO CARES ...if California builds more Prisons? WHO CARES ...if Los Angeles builds more Jails? WHO CARES ...if Los Angeles hires 1,000 more Police?
In the next few months, Gov. Schwarzenegger will try again to build 25-30,000 more prison cells and 45,000 more jail cells. The City of Los Angeles is poised to hire 1,000 more police while cutting budgets for all other city services by 5 percent.
Join advocates for housing, education, environmental justice, civil and human rights, health care, transportation and more to discuss what we can do to stop it from happening.
Thursday, Jan. 18th 6:00 - 9:00 pm FREE Admission. FREE parking. (323) 238-0596
Co-sponsors: Californians United for a Responsible Budget No New Jails Coalition Critical Resistance, Los Angeles California Prison Moratorium Project Drug Policy Alliance All Of Us Or None Youth Justice Coalition Cop Watch Los Angeles
- People who think we need to spend more on affordable housing - People who oppose expanded ICE detention & deportations - People who voted to support drug treatment rather than prison time for nonviolent drug users - People who don't want to see another round of fee (tuition) increases at community colleges, CSU and UC used to pay for more prisons - People who think people coming out of prison need help to reintegrate themselves, not more punishment in the form of discrimination in employment, housing, education - People concerned about sending California prisoners to private pens out of state - People who want to see our public K-12 education system fully funded - People who want to restore funding to health care.