"Bush's Other War: Washington Confronts Venezuela" w/ Mark Weisbrot Monday, February 24th (this Monday!) 8 pm - UCLA Campus History Conference Room, 6275 Bunche
At a time when Bush is rushing to war with Iraq, come hear about its connection to Washington's actions against another oil state -- Venezuela. This will be a time to hear Mark Weisbrot of Center for Economic and Policy Research speak about his time in Venezuela and the fight against imperialism there. It will also be a space for organizers and interested parties from around Los Angeles to talk about what might be done locally to educate and organize around this crucial struggle for freedom.
Directions: Print out the campus map at http://www.ucla.edu/map/viewmap.html, and go to Northwest quadrant 3G. This is accesible off of Hilgard Ave. at the Wyton Drive entrance to UCLA. We are in Bunche 6275.
For more information on Venezuela and Mark, visit www.cepr.net and www.americasdemocracy.org.