This coming Saturday, the Minutemen & SOS will come to the Laguna Beach Day Labor site. This is part of their campaign to try to prove that through sustained pressure, they can shut down a day labor center. If they succeed in doing so, it will set an example for racists all across the country to do the same. In Laguna Beach they prove that they will work with Neo-Nazis and the KKK. Remember, these people take sick pleasure in stopping someone from trying to make a living. Recently they have also filed a lawsuit against the city of Laguna Beach in order to try to shut down the center. Finally, a couple of months ago, two Neo Nazis, affiliated with the MM/SOS and emboldened, motivated by the racist campaing of hate against the day labor site, attacked a day laborer and drove into the site's fence, sending one person to the hospital. This just shows you what their hidden motive are. However, the tide is turning against the racists. On October 7, 2006, 80 day laborers came out to confront the racists and defend their right to work and thus showing that they are not afraid of the Intimidation by the Minutemen/SOS. Now that the racists are coming back, it is more important to show solidarity with the day laborers and support them in their struggle to defend their site & stop the racists dead in their tracks.
Este Sabado que viene, los Minutemen y SOS iran al Centro de Trabajo de Laguna Beach. Esto es parte de su campaña de comprobar que pueden cerrar un centro de trabajo con su presion. Si logran esto, dara un ejemplo a todos los racistas de este pais para que ellos puedan imitar. Como se puede ver, ellos invitan y le dan la bienvenida a los Neo-Nazis y la Ku Klux Klan. Recuderde, a estos racistas les da placer cada vez que impiden que alguien sin documentos logre de encontrar trabajo. Recientemente, hicieron una demanda contra la ciudad de Laguna Beach para tratar de cerrar el centro de trabajo. Y hasta peor, hace dos meses, dos Neo Nazis afiliados con los MM/SOS, atacaron a un jornalero. Despues estrellaron su troqua contra la barda del centro de trabajo y mandaron an un trabajador al hospital. Pero, hay muhas cosas positivas. En el 7 de Octubre del 2006, 80 jornaleros salieron del centro a confrontar a los racistas y a defender sus derechos de trabajar y les enseñaron que no le tienen miedo a unos racistas. Ahora regresan esos mismos racistas, y es hasta mas importante que enseñemos nuestra solidaridad con los jornaleros y les apoyemos en su lucha para defender su sitio y pornerle un fin a estos ataques racistas