Commissioner Charlotte Laws hosts her monthly townhall style meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, 2007, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. The agenda will include: 1) How well are Neighborhood Councils representing you, 2) Do people know about Neighborhood Councils, 3) Do Neighborhood Councils have the right roles and powers, 4) Is the City government organized to help the Neighborhood Councils, 6) How can we make the system better? Further questions can be directed to Laws\\' office at (818) 346-5280. All Angelenos are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion. Talking 912 hopes to provide stakeholders with additional time (beyond public comment time at commission meetings) to brainstorm, present suggestions and debate 912 issues.
As much as possible, the discussion will reflect the issues being addressed by the 912 Commission that month.