Have fun and help Get Out The Vote! Drop by anytime.
The Los Angeles Greens are hosting the V for Vote Phonebank Party on Saturday, Nov. 4 from 3-8 pm at the Peace Center, 8124 W. Third St., Los Angeles (@ Crescent Heights; parking behind the building). Please bring your cell phone.
REMEMBER, REMEMBER THE 4TH OF NOVEMBER! While the vicissitudes of these vicious and violent times we live in are a veritable venom best averted, we should vow not to be vexed but rather, to vanquish the invertebrate villains in our once-verdant valley with the victory of our VOTE.
There will be food, wine, and prizes from Truly a Vegan Restaurant, Clothing of The American Mind and more. We will provide scripts if you provide your cell phones. You are an intricate piece of the Peace, we need you!
View flyer at: http://losangelesgreens.org/
We will be phoning for Pro-Peace, Pro-Choice, Pro-Environment, Pro-Universal Healthcare, Pro-Human Rights, Non-Corporate Sponsored Candidates:
Byron DeLear:Congress San Fernando Valley www.delearforcongress.org Bill Paparian:Congress Glendale, Pasadena www.paparian4congress.com Donna Warren:Lt. Governer www.donnawarren.com Peter Thottam:State Assembly, South Bay to Venice www.peterthottam.com/53 Ricardo Costa: State Assembly Pasadena www.myspace.com/costa44
For more info contact 323-651-5539