solidarity with Oaxacan teachers action in LA
???URGENTE!!! URGENT!! ??El Gobierno Federal de Vicente Fox amenaza con reprimir el movimiento popular en Oaxaca!! The Fox Government threatens to violently repress the popular movement in Oaxaca!! Que: Plant?n y Vigilia en apoyo a la marcha caminata y en contra de la represi?n por el gobierno mexicano What: Sit-in & Vigil to support for march walkathon and against repression by the Mexican government Cu?ndo: El d?a martes 3 de octubre de 2006. When: Tuesday October 3, 2006. D?nde En el Consulado General de M?xico 2401 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, CA 90057 (Parkview and 6th St.) Where: Mexican Consulate 2401 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, CA 90057 (Parkview and 6th St.) Hora: 8:00 a.m. a 2:30 p.m. Plant?n y 2:30 a 9:00 p.m. Vigilia. Time: Sit-in 8:00AM-2:30PM; Vigil 2:30PM-9:00PM ?Ven a la hora que puedas! Come at what ever time you can! ?Marcha caminata llegar? hasta el 8 de octubre! March walkathon will arrive October 8th! Convoca: Frente Amplio en Solidaridad con Oaxaca Called by: The Broad Front in Solidarity with Oaxaca Frente Ind?gena de Organizaciones Binacionales Comunidad Cat?lica Oaxaque?a UNION DEL BARRIO, UCLA DOWNTOWN LABOR CENTER, CHIRLA, UTLA, UCLA RAZA GRADUATE STUDENTS, MAYAVISION, KIWA Para m?s info.: (323) 806-2198 o al (323) 286-5243