Race Workshop+art show This Sunday, February 2nd 12pm - 4pm at the Long Beach Infoshoppe REACH Center 684 Redondo Ave in Long Beach For more info call 662-434-6934 or email lb_infoshoppe@yahoo.com
Because... I think that studying this history is important for ALL anti-racist activists and artists (if you don't think so, please come and find out ), and because these subjects are rarely taught in schools or even respected as important subject by most activists and artists I've met, and because I wish I had found a workshop like this when I was a kid, I decided to do a workshop in order to share some of the information I have found over the last year.
What are the various forces that have worked to keep the "races" from mixing?
How have "mixed" people been characterized throughout history?
Can we work towards abolishing the concept of race? should we?
These are a some of the questions we'll be raising at this workshop.
-The workshop could include personal stories, readings from books and or poetry, discussion of history (and lack of history) of "biracial"/ "multiracial" people in the U.S. and other parts of the world, a focus on the Harlem renaissance as a turning point in the history of black (and mixed) identity, "transracial adoption", discussion of race as a concept, the new abolitionist movement (abolition of the concept of whiteness) and anything else you want to contribute. I have information all all these subjects and more. Whatever the group is interested in we can get into that subject. And if you have information, please bring yourself down there...
-At the workshop we will work towards putting together a zine
-the workshop will coincide with an art show called "black or white" at the Infoshoppe
-please bring art supplies and materials for the zine...(examples: hand written or typed stories, interviews with friends or relatives, any reproducable art you've done)...poems, books or copies from books on the subject...)There will be reading packets available at the workshop so we can have a place to start.