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The City of Fullerton has responded to residents' requests for a community meeting addressing the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Chevron's proposed development of 760 homes in West Coyote Hills, Fullerton's last remaining open space.
Save Coyote Hills as a park and reserve now, and for the future.
http://www.CoyoteHills.org http://SaveCoyoteHills.blogspot.com
The purpose of this meeting is to give the community a status update of the West Coyote Hills project. The meeting will also include a project overview and a briefing on the upcoming review process.
City staff will be available for questions from the audience.
This is an informational meeting only.
Public comments/testimony regarding the merits of the project should be deferred to future public hearing(s).
NOTE: This meeting will not be televised live, but will be recorded. Rebroadcast is currently scheduled for 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 6 & Sunday, Sept. 10; and also for 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 11 (dates may be subject to change).