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SAT & SUN: Northeast LA vigils to observe anniversary of CIA overthrow of Iran\'s democratically-elected leader.
--------------------- \"There is no better way to govern Iran than democracy and social justice!\" -- Mohammad Mossadegh.
Doctor Mohammad Mossadegh (1882-1967)was a lawyer, professor, author, governor, parlaiment member, finance minister, foreign minister, and democratically-elected prime minister of Iran.
Mossadegh fought both internal corruption and British colonialism, enacted social reforms, and nationalized the Iranian oil industry. In 1953, he was overthrown by a U.S.-funded CIA coup, arrested, and tried as a traitor in military tribunal court. It was America\'s first successful dismantling of a foreign government, and Iran has not known democracy since.
(Quote and history from: http://www.mohammadmossadegh.com/) ------------------
This Saturday, August 19, will mark the 53rd anniversary of U.S. subversion of democracy in Iran, subversion which resulted in the 1979-80 hostage crisis and animosity against us that continues to this day .
Here in the \"United States of Amnesia(1),\" we feel that attention should be drawn to this crucial part of history.
Thus, we will have appropriate signs (but, of course, you can bring your own), and WE\'RE ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO DRESS IN BLACK.
Eagle Rock Peace Vigil Intersection of Eagle Rock and Colorado Blvds. 5pm to 7pm
Highland Park Vigil Intersection of N. Figueroa and York (i.e., the Veteran\'s Memorial) 11am to 1:30-ish
(1)Term coined by Gore Vidal.