PARTY FOR SOCIALISM AND LIBERATION MEETING Fidel at 80, Why the U.S. Dropped Nuclear Bombs & PSL Outreach Plan
FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 7:30 PM 1800 Argyle Ave, #400, Los Angeles
For more info call 323-810-3380 or e-mail
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation this Friday for a branch meeting where we'll celebrate the 80th birthday with a report about Cuban president Fidel Castro and his achievements. We'll also hear about why the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Japan 61 years ago and discuss a new outreach plan, including how you can get involved.
* FIDEL CASTRO AT 80 - A REVOLUTIONARY LIFE: Discuss the life of revolutionary Marxist Fidel Castro as the PSL celebrates his 80th birthday. We'll discuss his accomplishments, how he helped shape socialist Cuba and what his importance is today.
* WHY THE U.S. DROPPED NUCLEAR BOMBS ON JAPAN: Last week was the 61st anniversary of the genocidal U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Hear a report on the unbelievable destruction caused by the bombings and what the U.S. government's real political motivations were - warnings to socialist countries and those struggling for national liberation.
* SPREADING WORKING-CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS IN LA: The PSL in LA is implementing a new outreach plan to reach as many working class areas of Los Angeles as possible. Hear about the plan, why we're doing it and how you can get involved. All interested in socialism and the PSL are welcome to participate.
PLUS: Report on Aug. 12 national protests.
Read about the above topics and more at our new website:
Party for Socialism and Liberation 1800 Argyle Ave, #400, LA, CA 90028 For more info call 323-810-3380 Get involved in the struggle for socialism! Join the PSL today!