Green Phone Bank Aug. 5, Saturday, 2-5pm , @ Peace Center
Meet some fellow Greens, BRING YOUR CELL PHONE and help us call a bunch of Greens about our big Party for Peace.
Phone bank location: Peace Center, 8124 West Third Street, Los Angeles (323) 651-5539
Please drop by anytime, if only for an hour, between 2-5pm.
The event we will be calling about: Aug. 19--LA Greens Party for Peace
This'll be the world's first five-way candidate meet-and-greet to feature ping-pong, dancing, a yoga class, a pot-luck meal, a raffle, and a playground for kids. We'll also be enjoying music by Maria Armoudian, comedy by Derek Iversen of the People Who Do That, and the funky-groove spinning of Starskee Suavee and DJ Jon Hershfield .
The Party for Peace is sponsored by the Los Angeles Greens. It runs from 3pm-8pm at the Heather Condo Complex, 6443 Green Valley Circle in Culver City. The suggested donation is (which includes 1 free raffle ticket). All ages are welcome.
Thank you in advance for your participation,
Lisa Taylor Los Angeles (City) Greens Volunteer Coordinator