Green Party of Orange County General Meeting Sunday, August 6th, 2006 @ 2:00 PM
Lunch with our guests: 1:00 PM All Welcome!
This Meeting: Three Distinguished Green Guests!
- Todd Chretien, the Green Party's U.S. Senate candidate in CA, is calling for a Million Votes for Peace to make a referendum on the Iraq war.
Todd is a long-standing anti-war, anti-death penalty and civil-rights activist. Most recently, he participated in the San Francisco May 1st Coalition that organized the immigrant rights demonstration on May Day. In 2005, as a member of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty, he worked to prevent the execution of Stan Tookie Williams. He has appeared three times on "The O'Reilly Factor". To find out more about Todd, please go to
- Donna Warren is a different face in the Green Party. Running for California's Lt. Governor with the Million Votes for Peace Campaign, she stresses the need to cooperate on issues, across party lines. In 1999 she sued the CIA for "allowing" crack cocaine to infest South Central and in 2004, she was the field coordinator for Prop 66, the initiative to amend California's Three Strikes Law.
- Matt Gonzalez (unconfirmed) is the past President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. In 2003, Matt ran a powerful grassroots campaign for San Francisco Mayor and came close to winning the election. Since leaving political office, Matt has started a progressive law practice in San Francisco, Gonzalez & Leigh LLP. He is advising on an appeal for Santos Reyes, a victim of the Three Strikes Law, serving a 26 years-to-life sentence for taking a DMV test for his cousin.
---------- The Party of global peace and social justice -- The Green Party!
The Green Party of Orange County meets in the Board Room of the Irvine Ranch Water District located at 15600 Sand Canyon Ave. in the City of Irvine. (about half-way between the 5 and 405 freeways)
B?a Tiritilli, Chair / Susan Sayre, Secretary / E-mail: or GREEN LINE: (949) 559-7336 P.O. Box 53561 Irvine, CA 92619-3561