The VA Hospital on the corner of Bellflower and 7th in Long Beach is trapping and killing a colony of feral cats living on their property.
A formal meeting with the hospital's administrators was conducted by a few animal welfare organizations two weeks ago and a comprehensive presentation was given on the merits of a Trap, Neuter and Release program (want more info? At the end of this meeting, it was decided that the LB VA Hospital would give its decision on Friday, December 6th.
We received their official answer. The LB VA Hospital has decided to implement a policy of trap and kill. A protest is planned for this Saturday, December 14th.
Where: VA Hospital Long Beach at the Corner of Bellflower Blvd. and 7th St.
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Purpose: To Protest the LB VA Hospital's Newly Implemented Practice Of Trap and Kill
All Animal Lovers are Welcome. Come Show Your Solidarity. Help End All Assaults Against Animals.
Contact Info: Lauren Laster (310) 280-1199 Bill Dyer (310) 301-7730 Jacqui Rengstorf (310) 521-9032