Eat, drink, dance, and save the world... all in one afternoon! Philip Koebel and Ricardo Costa - Green Party candidates for California's 44th Assembly District - invite you to help us make history in this first-ever Green Assembly primary. Come share the evening with fellow Greens, progressives and radicals in a very green, all-Southern-California-native-plant setting.
--- Live Music --- Silent Auction --- The Peace Boutique
We're out to make the war a State Assembly issue! We're going to oppose the Bush/Schwarzenegger agenda in all of its aspects!
*** Living Wage! *** Universal Healthcare! *** ¡Amnistía! *** Environmental Action! *** Stop the racist Drug War! *** Support Choice!
Come and add your voice, your issues. Support your local Greens! Make sure you support ALL PEACE CANDIDATES of all parties in this election!!!