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A.N.S.W.E.R. Activists Meeting May 1 Action Reports & What's Next for the Movement?
Tuesday, May 2, 7 pm 1800 Argyle Ave, #410, LA
Join A.N.S.W.E.R. this Tuesday for political updates, organizing and discussion. Get involved in the movement for immigrant rights and social justice. Topics discussed will include:
* Reports from May 1 Boycott & Actions: A.N.S.W.E.R. organizers are participating in May 1 activities in cities throughout the nation. In Southern California alone, we'll be attending no less than six activities that day. We'll report on what happened in LA and around the country.
* What's Next for the Immigrant Rights Movement? After the boycott, what's next? We'll discuss ideas about how to build a network of activists in Southern California to work on concerted campaigns to win amnesty for all immigrants. You'll also hear an update on what's happening with the immigration issue in Congress. Bring your ideas and energy to take action.
* Current Political & News Briefs: Every week, A.N.S.W.E.R. will give a brief report on news items and current event from a progressive perspective. Get updates and analysis about rising gas prices, the war in Iraq and more.
For more info contact 323-464-1636 or answerla@answerla.org.