9:00-10:00 Avery Auditorium: Cindy Milstein: New Anarchism
Over the past few years, anarchism has emerged as one of the most compelling currents within today's anti-capitalist milieu. With its emphasis on participation and prefigurative politics, anarchism has contributed to diverse experiments in horizontal organization as well as social power, alongside or in solidarity with a variety of anti-authoritarian movements worldwide. It has also brought a refreshing wave of utopian thinking to a tired Left. And perhaps for the first time in its own history, anarchism is all that much more relevant and even workable in this era, variously labeled the network society, the information age, or simply globalization. This talk will explore the outlines of what's been called "the new anarchism," including whether it's new at all, against the backdrop of the present moment, in an attempt to capture some of the vibrancy and even innovations of " and tensions within " contemporary anarchism.
10:15-12:00 Avery Auditorium: Race, Gender, Class and the Environment
Lynn Owens, New Orleans after Katrina Anjali Nath, on "Anarchism: A Multicultural Perspective" Mathew Romain, on "Intentional Communities: Grassroots Infrastructure Against Capitalist Hegemony." This presentation will attempt to illuminate the possibilities of co-operative and collective living to create sustainable regional communities in facilitating efforts to confront and defeat global corporate rule in the context of white-supremacist-capitalist -patriarchy. Shawn McDougal, Building a culture of critical, courageous, compassionate engagement across boundaries
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-2:15 Avery Auditorium: Marcus Page on "A Peace of Anarchy, Ammon Hennacy" Film and discussion. Released last year: "A Peace of the Anarchy," is a quick trip through 20th Century American radical history, with a special focus on Ammon Hennacy. The film features Starhawk, Carlos Cortez, Dorothy Day, David Dellinger, Kathy Kelly and Karl Meyer."
2:30-5:00 Session A, Avery Auditorium: Anarchism and Latin America
Dana Ward on "Recuperated" Factories in Argentina Daniel Olmos on The World Social Forum, Horizontality and Autonomy Film: "The Take"
2:30-5:00 Session B, Founders Room, 2nd floor of McConnell: Anarchism and economics
Tom Wetzel on Workers Liberation and Post-Capitalist Ecomomics Philip Osborn on the Corporation as an Artificial Person
7:00-Midnight Broad Performance Space (Building 1): Party and Films Living Room, Liz and Courtney, USA 2005 Resist!, 2003, Belgium, 1990