Southern California Green Party Rally
Sunday Nov 2, 2002, 6-8 PM
- Peter Camejo, candidate for Governor of California! - Donna Warren, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of California! - Local Southern California Candidates!
Additional speakers TBA soon
Event Details: Campaign literature, GP t-shirts, bumper stickers, yard signs, will all be on hand.
Please plan to attend the largest rally for the campaign in Southern California and Los Angeles Region. As we celebrate the Great Green strides taken during this campaign cycle, come hear the candidates discuss their favorite moments of the campaign, and get interested voters excited about participating in this year's election! Join us as we "Get Out The Vote" Green Style.
Need more information about Peter Camejo?
For questions about this event, or volunteering opportunities, call 310.820.5526 or email, An RSVP is helpful, but not necessary.