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YOUTH & STUDENT ANTI-WAR CONFERENCE Building a Movement Against War, Racism & Military Recruiters
Saturday, February 11, 12 noon - 4 pm El Camino Community College (in the Cafeteria) 16007 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA 90506
Click here to Pre-register or call 323-464-1636: http://www.answerla.org/pic/2006/06-02-11-YS/sign-up.htm
Download a conference flyer to distribute at your school: http://www.answerla.org/pic/2006/06-02-11-YS/yth.conf.2.11.06.pdf
Join young people and students from across Los Angeles and Southern California for a "Youth & Student Anti-War Conference" on Saturday, February 11, from 12 noon to 4 pm. There will be speakers, workshops, music and plenty of discussion. The goal of the conference will be to begin building a united youth and student movement in schools and campuses across the city and region. We'll also talk about upcoming actions that youth and students can organize against the war.
CONFERENCE TOPICS INCLUDE * How to get involved in the anti-war movement * Getting military recruiters out of our schools and communities * Organizing walk outs, sit-ins, and speak-outs for the March 20th day of campus resistance to imperialism * Solidarity with Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, the Philippines, Korea and all targets of U.S. aggression
PLUS: YOUTH & STUDENT SPEAK-OUT AND RALLY against military recruiters on the campus following the conference. Conference participants will have the opportunity to raise their militant voices against the war and military recruiters. All are invited to participate. Bring signs, banners and join the protest!
Sponsored by Youth & Student ANSWER, KMB Pro-People Youth, Global Resistance Network and Students for a Democratic Society
For more info call 323-464-1636 or e-mail answerla@....
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition-LA Act Now to Stop War and End Racism 323-464-1636 http://www.answerla.org answerla@... 1800 Argyle Ave, #410 Los Angeles, CA 90028 Join us each Tues at 7 pm for A.N.S.W.E.R. Activists Meetings.