Monthly meeting of the Los Angeles Greens, a local group of the Green Party. We meet regularly the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Peace Center.
Our meetings are free (donations accepted) and open to the public.
We're kicking off election year 2006 with our Green candidates and a presentation about the Starbucks Fair Trade Challenge from GreenLAGirl
So far, 2 LA Greens are running for Assembly and Congress!
We\\'ll hear about Byron de Lear\\'s campaign for Congress
and Peter Thottam, an anti-war activist with ANSWER, has just announced his run for Assembly in the 53rd District
(includes: El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, Lomita, Los Angeles, Manhattan Beach, Marina Del Rey, Playa Del Rey, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Venice).
We\\'ll also hear about statewide Green campaigns.
Learn about the Green Party and get involved in local Green issues.
Our ongoing campaigns include: Supporting South Central Farmers Union support campaign for workers at the Glendale Hilton who are trying to start a union there. Lobbying the LA City Council for election reforms such as Instant Runoff Voting.
The Green Party is the fastest growing political party in CA. We accept NO corporate money!
We are all grassroots volunteers-- join us and break the duopoly of the broken 2 party system!! Help us get more Green Party candidates elected to local offices (we already have over 64 in CA!) and build from the grassroots up.
Do you know anyone interested in running for office in West Hollywood, Culver City, Inglewood, etc.-- in small winnable races? Let us know.