=== FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 7:00 PM ===
Think you live in a democracy? Are California voting computers rigged? How do you know your vote is counted?
"VOTERGATE" is a dynamic, investigative documentary uncovering the truth about our current computer voting systems, which allow a few powerful corporations to record our votes in secret.
This special edition of "VOTERGATE" will be followed by an informative talk with two knowledgeable speakers answering your questions and giving an update on the current situation.
This special event will be held at:
EZTV 1629 18th St, #6 Santa Monica, CA 90404
Enter 18th street on the north side of Olympic Blvd. Free parking in the last lot on east side at end of the block (also street parking).
To join the list for future films send an email to: FilmsForPeace @ excite.com or call Mona at 310-452-9681
Films For Peace screens films on the first and third Fridays of the month.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MORE INFO:
Although L.A. County has ink-a-vote ballots, they are scanned into an electronic computer system with secret software that cannot be examined by election officials (or the public), and the computer system can be rigged.
One of the dire results at stake in this November's elections is "redistricting" so that Republicans will get more seats in congress. With our current electronic machines the Republicans are permanently in control of congress.
Hear Brad Friedman, writer and editor of the humorous, political www.BradBlog.com His investigative reporting has been the cause of many headaches for the bad guys, including his series on the White House Website Scrubbing Scandal prior to the election and many of the reports of Election Irregularities discovered since then.
Judy Alter, retired UCLA professor, will explain "citizens' audit parallel election," a method to double-check the accuracy of the electronic vote by counting results.
Find out all that is at stake in the upcoming November election. Find out about "citizens' audit parallel election" and how you can make a difference.
We each need to be soldiers who march to and protect the ballot box.
There will be 11 locations for early TOUCHSCREEN voting for the upcoming "special" election. Learn where they are and why it would not be advisable to vote on these machines.
Listen to Brad on his nationally syndicated radio program The BRAD SHOW via RAW RADIO: http://www.bradshow.com/